
Are your staff with Student Super?

Important notice

From 1 June 2024, Student Super’s USI and ABN has changed. The employee’s member number may have also changed.
Update your employee’s details on your payroll system to ensure contributions are received.

Important details for Employers

It’s easy to make payments to Student Super on behalf of your employees.
If you use a clearing house, all you’ll need is our ABN and USI.
USI/SPIN: 43 905 581 638 021
ABN: 43 905 581 638
Fund name: Student Super Professional Super
Fund RSE Registration Number: R1001341
Phone number: 1300 646 960

Our Letter of Compliance

Student Super is a complying and regulated fund in accordance with the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.
For more information, download our Letter of Compliance below.

How to pay into Student Super

All employers must pay super contributions through a method that meets the SuperStream rules.
It is no longer possible to pay any super fund by EFT or cheque.
You can make a payment with:
  • An outsourced payroll service that complies with SuperStream; or
  • Your own software solution that complies with SuperStream
If you’re having trouble paying super through your accounting software, the following links may help:


Can I pay by EFT?

No. Since the introduction of SuperStream, employers need to pay using a SuperStream-compliant system. These systems allow you to make multiple super payments into different funds, with just one transfer.

Do I need an employer number with Student Super?

No. You don’t need to be registered with us in order to make a payment. We don't have employer numbers. Just leave the employer ID section blank.

What is your ABN and USI?

ABN: 43 905 581 638
USI/SPIN: 43 905 581 638 021