How to fill out the ATO super standard choice form

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HomeLearning HubHow to fill out the ATO super standard choice form
When you start a new job or change super funds while working, you will need to tell your employer your super details.
To do this, you can provide your employer with a pre-filled super form or you can complete the ATO’s super choice form.
If you don’t nominate your super fund, your employer will pay your super into an existing fund by completing a stapled super fund request to the ATO. If you don’t have a stapled fund they will open an account for you with their default super fund and pay your super into that account.

Student Super’s pre-filled form

Student Super has made it easy for members by creating a pre-filled version of this form. Log into your account and under ‘Tell my employer’, you can download this form.
That’s all you need to give to your employer for them to pay your super into your Student Super account.

Filling out the ATO’s super standard choice form

Section A – Your details

1. Complete your name and Tax File Number (TFN) if you have it ready. If you don’t have a TFN, check out our about page on Tax File Numbers.
The employee number is unique to your place of employment. If your workplace uses one, they will provide you with the details. If you’re unsure, just ask your employer. Or skip this field your workplace doesn’t issue employee numbers.
2. There are three options to choose where your super gets paid.
  • My existing super fund
    If you have a super fund, tick this box. For Student Super members, to nominate Student Super, tick this box.
  • My employer’s default super fund
    If you do not have a super fund, you can choose to tick this box. However, this means that you are consenting for your employer to open a new super account. It does not give you the choice of which super fund you’d like to be with.
  • Private self-managed super fund (SMSF)
    If you have a SMSF, you will likely know it. Consult your accountant or financial advisor for the details.

Section B – My existing super fund

If you have an existing super fund, you will need to complete Section B of the form. For Student Super members, here are the details to complete this section.

1. Super fund details

Super fund name: Student Super Professional Super
Super fund Australian business number (ABN): 43 905 581 638
Unique superannuation identifier (USI): 43 905 581 638 021

2. Log into your account to find your account details

You can find your member number on your dashboard when you log in.

3. Attach Student Super’s letter of compliance

Download this letter and hand it in with the completed ATO form.

4. Sign and date

You’re done! Hand this form to your employer and they’ll update your records.
It’s a good idea to check your next payslips to make sure the right super fund is listed. Then, check your super account after the quarterly super deadlines to make sure it’s been paid. Read more about when super is paid.

Section C – My employer’s default super fund

1. What your employer will do

Your employer must make a stapled super fund request to check with the ATO if you have any existing super funds. You will receive a letter from the ATO letting you know that they have completed a stapled super fund request.
If there are no stapled funds, your employer will complete Section C for you to review.

2. What you need to do

You don’t have a choice of which default super fund your employer nominates. But, you can choose to accept their super fund or join a different super fund. If you join a different super fund, complete a new version of this form and complete Section B.
If you don’t return this form, the employer will be obligated to make your super payment to your stapled fund or their default super fund by the payment deadline.

Section D - My private self-managed super fund (SMSF)

If you have a SMSF, you will likely know it. You will need to complete the SMSF details including the bank account details (these are not your personal bank account details!) – consult your accountant if you need assistance.

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