What happens when you graduate?

2 min read
HomeLearning HubWhat happens when you graduate?
Hi, I’m Storm.
Welcome back to another instalment of our video series, “Super with Storm”.
This video is about what happens to your Student Super account when you graduate.
I first joined Student Super when I was studying and working casual jobs. In fact, the first time I did this video series I was a student. But I’ve now graduated and work full time. You won’t be a student forever either - so what happens to your account when you start working full-time?
Student Super stays with you when you graduate.
When you are starting out in casual work, the challenge is to get your super organised.
When you start full time work, the challenge is keeping it organised. Our mission is to do both.
We’re also committed to keep building your knowledge about wealth.
So, to keep you organised and build your knowledge about wealth, we’re one super fund but we have TWO websites.
You already know studentsuper.com.au.
Professionalsuper.com.au is designed for members who have started full time work and are interested in building wealth and setting goals, like saving for a first home.
You can choose which website is right for you… we have some members who like to keep using studentsuper.com.au, and other that prefer professionalsuper.com.au. You can even swap between them if you want.
Your member number and login details are the same – it’s the same account. There’s no differences in fees, discounts or investment options. It’s the same account, just on different websites.
In summary, it’s one fund with two websites. So, in a way, your account graduates with you.
I hope you got something out of this video series. This is actually our last video in the series.
If you have seen all seven of my 2-minute videos, you should be on top of the basics of superannuation, so well done! This really is the first, and most important step to get your super organised.
If you want to see some of the videos again, they are in the Student Super Learning Hub. The series covered;
  • What is super?
  • My favourite things about Student Super
  • How to find my other super funds and lost super?
  • When do you get paid super?
  • How to tell your employer about your super details?
  • How I got $500 in government co-contributions?
  • What happens when you graduate?

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