Why your kids need help with their super

Why your kids need help with their super

What goes wrong

Many young people realise in their late twenties, that they had a “lost decade” of super.
They regret;
  • that they didn’t check if their employer was paying them the correct amount,
  • missing out on government subsidies,
  • paying more tax than they needed to,
  • having multiple accounts charging multiple fees,
  • and sometimes ending up with lost super.

The goal of Student Super

Student Super is a super fund built for young Australians.
Our goal is to get our members and their super organised and keep it organised through their teen years, twenties, and beyond.
Student Super has;
  • Zero admin fees for balances under $1,000.
  • A loyalty discount program with seven membership levels. Members are automatically enrolled in the program once their balance reaches $1,000.
  • A learning hub built to grow your child’s financial literacy.
  • A feature to help find or combine lost or previous super funds.
  • Helpful tech that helps them keep track of their super – like alerts when their employer has paid their super.
  • Tips for parents to make sure your children aren’t paying too much tax and about how they can access government incentives available to young people.

Our solution is zero admin fees for members with balances under $1000*.

See our Fees & discounts page or PDS for details.
This means your child can build up a super balance, without admin fees eroding their early balances.
And once your child’s balance reaches $1,000, they’ll automatically be enrolled in our loyalty discount program.
This reduces the percentage-based admin fee for contributing members, by increasing amounts each year, over seven years.
You can see a breakdown of our fees on one page – our fees and fee discount page

Parents are key to their kid’s financial future

It’s tough being parents. You do your best to set your kids up to have the best start in life.
You’ve been there for your child at every stage of their life. From their very first steps to their first day of school.
You helped them pick which subjects to study, you taught them to drive, you probably even helped them open their first bank account.
We have one more thing to add…
Help your child get their super organised from the start.
Right now, you are the only person who both cares about them, and understands that super can make a significant difference to their life.

You’re not just their parent, you’re their #1 financial guide!

Help your child get their super organised from the start.

More questions - we’re here to help

I’m Bella from the support team at Student Super. Our team can answer any questions you have. Send us an email at hello@studentsuper.com.au.