Find or combine my super

Time to get your super organised

Super is 100% your money. If you haven’t organised your old super accounts, now is the time!
Keeping your super all in one fund means you will:
  • know where your super is being paid
  • save money by avoiding duplicate account fees
  • keep track of what’s happening with your money

Student Super’s ‘Find or combine my super’ feature

Student Super members get access to the ‘Find or combine my super’ feature which helps find lost or other super funds. Then, we can help you transfer them into your Student Super account. There’s:
  • No paperwork - it’s all online, and
  • You won’t need to contact your other funds
It’s important to consider the impact of any loss of insurance cover or other benefits before closing any super fund accounts you have.

Want to get started?

Log into your Student Super account and use the ‘Find or combine my super’ feature.


What is lost super and super held by the ATO?

According to the ATO there was $16 billion of super held as lost or unclaimed super at 30 June 2023*.
If you’ve had a few different jobs, you may have multiple super accounts. Your super is transferred to the ATO when it becomes inactive and you haven’t contacted the fund to keep your account open, or if you are uncontactable and haven’t received any transfers or contributions in the last 12 months.
*Source: ATO website

How do I find lost super or other super funds?

For Student Super members, it’s easy:
You can also find lost and other super funds using myGov. Learn more.

Does it cost money to combine my super?

Student Super does not charge a fee to members when they use the ‘Find or combine my super’ feature.
Exit fees are no longer charged when you switch super funds.

How long does it take to combine my super?

If you have used the ‘Find or combine my super’ feature on Student Super and everything is successful, it generally takes a few working days.
We will send you an email to let you know when your transfer has been successful. You’ll be able to see the rollover in your ‘transactions’ when you log in to your account.

How do I avoid having multiple super accounts in the future?

The most important thing to do is to give your employer your pre-filled super nomination form. Student Super members can find this under ‘Tell your employer’.
By doing this, you are telling your employer which super fund you want your super paid into.
You can do this at any time during your employment.

We’re here to help

I’m Bella from the Member Services Team at Student Super. Our team can answer any questions you have. Email us at